Tuesday, December 13, 2011

12 Days of Christmas Giveaway! (Day 3) -- $50.00 to EcoMom!!!

On the 1st day of Christmas,
The Thrifty Deafies gave Vanessa Robinson...
(Free 2-day Shipping for your online orders!!-- $79 value!)
On the 2nd day of Christmas,
The Thrifty Deafies gave Marja Possner 

A FREE $30 Gift Certificate to TOTSY!
(Free shipping for your first orders!!-- $37.95 total value!)
On the 3rd day of Christmas,
The Thrifty Deafies gave to me...

A FREE $50 Gift Certificate to EcoMom!
(Organic.. etc etc!!! $50.00 total value!)


#1: ONE entry PER person!

#2: You must 'LIKE' us on Facebook! -- do it

#3: Leave your e-mail under this post ON FACEBOOK! (Not this blog)

#4: If you have won a giveaway, you can't win a 2nd one. (This is to give all fans a chance!)

This giveaway ends at MIDNIGHT (Mountain Time)! The winners will be announced the next day with the next giveaway! Good Luck!

On the 2nd day of Christmas, The Thrifty Deafies gave Marja Possner A FREE $30 Gift Certificate to TOTSY!

Now, who will win the 23rd day for the EcoMom Voucher?? :) Enter away!

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