Sunday, February 6, 2011

Quick trip to the Rite Aid

My goodness when I was looking at the ads I only could find one good deal this week the shampoo brand Finesse but when I got to the store I end up found an awesome deal. I was watching other person buying cake mix. In the ads it's selling for 2/$4 (two for $4) and get $2 up reward for buying it. In the end its $2 for two items.  Of course my mind went aha not good deal I had a better deal in the fall. But after watching her receipt keep going and going and going. of course I became curious and wanted to know whats going on! why is it keep going and going.  I rushed off to get those items and I found a coupon that has 75 cent off two. that will leave me $1.25 for two items humm gotten more curious. After paying for the items aha i got a long long long long receipt boyee.  The mystery solved!!! they give u extra $1 for each item u got so basically without the coupon they are already free.. With coupon I earn 75 cent extra for each two items. It got me tickled big time!! Go n get them at Rite Aid now!!   Go n get tons of them!!   DONATE TO SCHOOL, OTHERS FAMILY WHO NEEDS HELP WITH THEIR GROCERIES, DONATE DONATE (ITS FREE AFTERALL).

Total 4 Transcations..

SAVED: Saved: 218.07!
99% Savings!! YeeeHaw

I had $95 up reward in hand before those started. 

1st Transaction:
2- Acne Free Terminator 4.49  (Was 5.99)
6- Finesse Shampoo/Conditioner 3.00 (Was 3.99)
5- Wine Accessories .49 each (Was 4.99)
1- Perfume 14.40 (Was 24.00)
1-Excedrin 1.99 (Was 4.99)
2- Detangler 1.99 (Was 2.69)
Total $42.82
$2.50 off Excedrin (From Store Pellie)
$3.00 off Acne (from newspaper insert) 
$3.00 off Acne (from newspaper insert) 
$5.00 off Perfume (from magazine) 
used $36 up reward 
Paid .30 cent before tax
Earned $28 up reward 

2nd Transcation:
16- Finesse Shampoo/Conditioner/Hair Spray 3.00 (was 3.99)
3- Excedrin 1.99 (was 4.99) 
Total $53.97
3- $2.50 Excedrin (From Store Pellie)
Used $47 up reward 
Total paid .35 cent before tax 
Earned $40 up reward 

3rd Transaction: 
10- Cake Frosting 2.00 (was 2.49)
6- Cake mix  2.00 (was 2.29)
Total $32
5- .75 cent off 2 (newspaper insert)
used $27 up reward 
Paid- .50 cent before tax
Earned $32 up reward 

4th Transaction:
2- cookie pouch 2.00 (was 2.69)
Total 4.00
$4 up reward 
Paid 0.00
Earned $4.00 up

Ended up with $79 up left to play with at next shopping trip. 


  1. woww ur luckyyy..I guess I can't do that cuz I have no money in my reward..i just got it new like yesterday.

  2. u could get cake mix it will start u up with some rewards. build it up. it will go up n down. someday i will eventually go down to 0 then start again. there is coupon for cookie mix at print some u will profit 40 cent per cookie and ur reward will build up.. remember they only allow 2 print per computer print at several places.

  3. how many cakes frosting and cake mix i should get for 1st time?
