Tuesday, October 11, 2011

FREE Cake Pops?!?!?! and MORE! (TODAY ONLY!)

(GET THIS FREE!!! -- or anything else that you would like for FREE!)

TODAY only you can get $15 FREE to use on anything! Here's HOW:


#1: Go HERE to get your FREE $5 credit (you will get $10 more using a code)
(OR if you signed when I told you about the *HOT* games deal + Subway Card?!?! That means you would have $15 from that PLUS $10 from today's promo!! [$25] Read on..)

#2: Click on the Purple circle on the top left and find: ORANGE COUNTRY: SOUTH 
 (PRESS PLAY to see the MOVIE on how to find ORANGE COUNTRY!)

#3: Find the Cake Pops for only $13.  Click on the Purple MAKE IT MINE on the right.

#4: **Use PROMO CODE: 10TODAY  (this will take $10.00 off!)

#5: You will need to hit back to go back to the cakepops page then click on make it mine again for the $10 off to show up (no idea why)

#6: You will now see the promo code there.. MAKE SURE you click on the little dot to use it!!

#7: Use your FREE Plum Dollars that you earned for signing up!!! (If they ask for your credit card to proceed it is JUST for address verification. You can just use a card with nothing on it or use your regular card. THEY WILL NOT charge it because your total is $0.00! YAYYYYY!

PAY NOTHING!!! THIS WILL BE FREE FREE FREE! For the Cake Pops! You can get anything else that is $15 or less for FREE! (or $25 or less if you did the games deal a few days ago!) Take a look around!

**NOTE: THIS FREE $10 IS FOR TODAY ONLY! Soooo.. get on it! :)

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