Wednesday, November 2, 2011

My FREE Patak Party Kit Arrived!!!

WAHOO! My FREE Patak Party Kit arrived TODAY!

Remember I posted about it 2 weeks ago?!?! Here is the link --> HERE

It came NICELY wrapped!!-- with my name on a tag! I was truly impressed!

  • I got 6 FREE coupons for free jars of Patak Sauce!
  • 1 Clear Trivet
  • Recipe Book
  • 6 books of coupons for my guests (Maybe I will do a giveaway! What do you think?!)

Did you get yours too?! Let me know!


  1. Oh yes, give one to me! :)

  2. No how did u find it

  3. Anonymous.. click on the "HERE" about the post I told you all about this 2 weeks ago. :) They mailed it to me through UPS and I got it today!

  4. I want too!!

    how to do free party kit.. cuz i did sign up one of website get free stuff and coupon for party with guest.. tht was last year when they do all different kind of product as i host party.. but i never quality wondering why?
